
Fees & Transaction Charges

The schedule of fees and charges as per Notification No CCIL/FXS-CLS/24/02 dated 06th February, 2024; effective from 1st March, 2024 is given below:

Billing Particulars
Cost Remarks

CLS Trade processing fee (including submissions, amendments and cancellations)

USD 4.15 Per deal
Any other charges On actual basis As charged by the settlement bank

Error Financing Cost (for not adhering to prescribed code word “/ACC/CLSFUNDING” in Field 72 of MT202 sent by Member Banks)

On actual Basis As charged by the settlement bank


The above charges would be uniformly applicable across Banks in India, IBU entities set up in IFSC-GIFT city Gujarat and overseas branches of Indian Banks.

Following are the details of the currency in which the CCIL CLS services invoice would be raised:

Curency for billing
Banks in India INR Terms
IBU Entities INR Terms
Overseas Branch of Indian Banks USD Terms