Rupee Derivatives Dealing System

As on date :

Instrument Type: MIBOR Overnight Indexed Swap(OIS) Trades Executed On ASTROID Platform

Instrument ID Maturity Date Previous Close (%) Open (%) High (%) Low (%) LTR (%) TLTA (Rs. In Crore) LTT (hh:mm:ss) WAR (%) No. of Trades Traded Notional Amount (Rs. In Crore)

Source : Rupee Derivatives Dealing System hosted at CCIL

Instrument Type: MIBOR Overnight Indexed Swap(OIS) ASTROID Platform

Open(%) High(%) Low(%) LTR(%) LTA (Cr.) LTT Notional WAR(%)
No. of Bid Bid Amt(Crs) Bid Rate(%) Offer Rate(%) Offer Amt(Crs) No. of Offer

Bid(Pay Fixed) Offer(Receive Fixed)

Source: Rupee Derivatives Dealing System hosted at CCIL

Powered by Clearcorp Dealing Systems (India) Ltd. A Wholly Owned Subsidiary Of The Clearing Corporation Of India Ltd | Powered by Clearcorp Dealing Systems (India) Ltd. A Wholly Owned Subsidiary Of The Clearing Corporation Of India Ltd | Powered by Clearcorp Dealing Systems (India) Ltd. A Wholly Owned Subsidiary Of The Clearing Corporation Of India Ltd | Powered by Clearcorp Dealing Systems (India) Ltd. A Wholly Owned Subsidiary Of The Clearing Corporation Of India Ltd | Powered by Clearcorp Dealing Systems (India) Ltd. A Wholly Owned Subsidiary Of The Clearing Corporation Of India Ltd | Powered by Clearcorp Dealing Systems (India) Ltd. A Wholly Owned Subsidiary Of The Clearing Corporation Of India Ltd.