Data & Statistics


CCIL Bond Index Methodology

Bond Portfolio


The Index tracks the daily movement of the most liquid G-Sec securities in terms of Broad (20 most liquid securities) and Liquid Index (5 most liquid securities).
Date Broad TRI Broad PRI Broad Duration Broad Coupon Liquid TRI Liquid PRI Liquid Duration Liquid Coupon
2024-08-27 00:00:00.0 4366.8629 928.9284 6.5221 7.1201 3732.8768 876.2353 7.3983 7.1856
2024-08-26 00:00:00.0 4366.0239 928.9284 6.5249 7.1201 3732.1562 876.2353 7.4011 7.1856

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