Data & Statistics

Outright and Repo Settlement

The report is an aggregation of the daily Outright and Repo trades and volumes settled by CCIL.

Date G-Sec Trades G-Sec Volumes(Rs. Cr.) Tbill Trades T-BIll Volumes(Rs. Cr.) SDL Trades SDL Volumes(Rs. Cr.) Outright Trades Outright Volumes(Rs. Cr.) Repo 1st Leg Trades Repo 1st Leg Volumes(Rs. Cr.)
2024-08-27 00:00:00.0 3941 51371.41 57 2731.0 171 4634.77 4169 58737.18 1945 282251.09
2024-08-26 00:00:00.0 3075 45700.79 41 1287.09 184 3658.88 3300 50646.76 1990 290079.65

[Note : CCIL does not authorize commercial use of the data available in its website without written permission.]